
We represent participants in the music and motion picture industries, from writers, directors, performers to producers. With regard to our talent clients, we collaborate with their agents and managers in negotiations for the engagement of their services.


Our work in this area involves several phases of production for both narrative and documentary filmmaking. We can aid productions with initial development (hiring writers, registering copyrights), acquiring material (for example, licensing the right to develop a motion picture based on a book), running a compliant production (obtaining permits, acquiring production insurance, location agreements, child labor law compliance), clearing post-production (music licensing, composer agreements, archive footage licensing), as well as negotiating distribution deals.

We can help producers and artists navigate the requirements for filming in the United States as well as help production companies navigate the requirements for filming in France.


In addition to traditional types of arrangements in the music industry, we advise our clients on digital media related issues that impacts the music industry, including DCMA and internet take downs, licensing music, enforcing the theft of intellectual property on the Internet, and other forms of services related to emerging media.